Hello subscribers!
I set up a template for this substack awhile back when I was setting up various social media things (Bluesky! Threads!) to see which makes the most sense as a way to connect with my podcast listeners (if you don’t know, I host Vulgar History! The feminist women’s history comedy podcast! Available in all the podcast places!).
And then a funny thing happened: people started subscribing here.
Full disclosure: I know why this happened. It’s because friend of the podcast Amanda Matta noticed I had claimed this substack, and included me in her list of recommendations from her great newsletter The Fascinator. And because you trust her judgment, you’ve joined up this heretofore blank substack. So: welcome!
I’ve started following other writers here on substack and enjoy this as a sort of blog throwback moment. I really don’t have lots to say right now, and that’s because I want to hear from you. If you’re familiar with Vulgar History: The Podcast, what would you like to see from Vulgar History: The Newsletter? A weekly companion to new episodes of the podcast? My thoughts on other history-related shenanigans? Pop culture news? Reviews of historical costume dramas I happen to read and/or watch? Or just, pure randomness?
LMK in the comments!
Also note: I do have an infrequently-shared other substack, Three Nice Things, which is just where I post about things I’ve been enjoying lately (most often, murder mystery novels and/or TV series and/or movies).
xoxoxoxo Ann